Sunday, January 17, 2010

Exercising patience

There appears to be limited enthusiasm among Da Boyz for a reprise of the old FP Strat League. Jim, I think, is for it; Chad, probably not.

And I'm not going to push it. My life is busy enough now that I don't really need the complications of trying to find a time that works for both me and Kimba to squeeze in a series.

The situation is this: They know I have the cards. I've floated the idea of a reborn league. If they bring it up in the next four days — especially CC or Kim — then it's worth pursuing. Otherwise, I'll go it alone.

Nothing much can happen, frankly, until I get caught up on a few manual labor projects. I did one high-priority one Saturday — I shoveled the remains of the Christmas storm off the (flat) garage roof. There's still a thermostat to replace, and then the one that matters — assembling the shelves we purchased last summer as Ikea.

That matters for the Strat project because today the old kitchen table down in the basement is being used for Linda project stuff that is supposed to go on the shelves. If the shelves are built, I can reclaim my old table — it's the one I used in my apartment-dwelling days — to set up the Strat game on an essentially permanent basis.

I need that in any case.

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